Review Critera

This is how we’ll review our local vendors. We want to give as accurate review as possible. If you have suggestions on what you’d like to know then send us a note in our Contact Us page.

  • Overall Bites – Average score of all categories. 5 Bites is the top rating. One Bite is the lowest.
  • Value – Price for the portion you receive.
  • Taste – This is why we write the review…to let you know how good the food is.
  • Presentation – Not only must the food taste good but it also needs to look good. Nobody wants to eat something that doesn’t look appetizing.
  • Vibe – So then there is the overall feel of the location. Is it inviting? Is it clean? How’s the service? It doesn’t matter how good the food looks or how good it tastes if the place is a dump or the service is terrible.
  • Accessibility – How easy is it to find the place? How’s the parking?